Clint Stinnet

Clint Stinett

Veteran Member

Clint Stinnett is a retired US Army Special Operations Veteran with over 20 years of service. Clint has been deployed well over a dozen times around the world and has lead numerous teams in austere environments.  
He takes the mission that you are about to embark upon every bit as seriously as the missions he has been involved with around the world. The key to a successful mission is preparation, understanding the environment you are about to enter and having clear goals as to what you wish to achieve. You will find no better partner to help you achieve your objectives.
Clint has spent years researching franchise companies and he now devotes his time to helping aspiring entrepreneurs and Veterans find fulfillment, purpose and a sense of security through franchise ownership. As one of the leaders behind The Franchise Consulting Company’s Veteran Outreach program, he helps Veterans focus their unique and refined skillsets, enabling them to transition smoothly into franchise ownership.
Known as the “Fransition Guide”, Clint understands both the Military transition process and the challenges of starting and operating a business. Clint subscribes to the “inch wide, mile deep” school of thought. Clint’s focus on depth and detail will ensure the best possible franchise match with your personal interests, skills and family needs.
Clint has incorporated the Seven Army Values into his professional code of ethics. He employs these ethics with clients just as he did while serving our country.

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